Reach is an annual Generation CashBack event, designed by young people, for young people. It aims to celebrate the youth workers and young people who have been involved with our Generation CashBack programme. Every year it is designed by a team of Young Advisors from across the consortium partners, who decide everything about the event, and help deliver it on the day. Young Advisors are trained to take the lead as event planners using our iLead pathway.
Reach is an annual event by the Generation CashBack programme, celebrating young people and youth groups who have been involved and everything they had achieved.

The work of local development workers has been instrumental in supporting youth groups, particularly during the last two years of the pandemic when we have seen some truly inspiring work. Events like this help us celebrate all that Generation CashBack can offer youth groups and young people.
Mr Keith Brown, Cabinet Secretary for Justice
Reach 2024 – Reach for Your Voice
‘Reach for Your Voice’ took place on 9 March 2024. Co-designed with our panel of Young Advisors, the event included workshops on mental health-themed arts and crafts, wellbeing, active fun, STEM and team-building challenges. In the afternoon, we were joined by Minister for Victims and Community Safety Siobhian Brown, who celebrated the power of youth voice with us, saying, ‘There’s so much to learn from experiences like today when groups come together, connect and share ideas.’ We closed out the event with an awards ceremony to celebrate the nearly 100 Hi5 Awards (SCQF Level 2) earned by delegates and dove into some evening entertainment with karaoke, glitter tattoos and giant games and more.
Reach 2025
Our next Reach event will take place in March 2025.