Please Note: Where we have no upcoming dates for the above training modules or where you like to arrange in-person delivery, please contact to express your interest in booking.
Fun & Creative
A series of hand-on, engaging workshops that use interactive activities to bring the fun to learning.

Youth Scotland have developed a range of interactive activity toolkits with 24 -26 fun activities for all ages. These activities can easily be included into plans for holiday programmes. The toolkits are designed to be run in out of school clubs, youth clubs, community groups, schools or at home. These can be incorporated into the Hi5 Award, which is an SQA externally quality assured award at SCQF Level 2.
Youth Scotland’s Toolkits:
- Feel Good Toolkit – includes sensory stimulating, emotion exploring, gratitude and personal development activities to ignite children and young people’s curiosity to explore their emotional wellbeing.
- Creative Arts Toolkit – encourage young people to participate in the creative arts in a safe fun environment including activities in music, drama, movement and creative writing. There are also some, eco-friendly activities using recycled materials to spark young people’s creativity and encourage them to think about their environment.
- Cyber Resilience Toolkit – includes activities to encourage children/young people to think about their online interactions and encourage them to keep safe online.
- STEM Toolkits – includes a number of fun STEM activities ranging from coding to rockets!
In this session you will have the chance to try out a number of fun STEM activities which you can take back and deliver with young people in your youth work setting.
Learning Outcomes:
- Build your confidence in delivering a range of STEM activities
- Enhance your knowledge of wider STEM resources and support
This fun workshop will provide practical tips and ideas on how to deliver simple games, dance, fitness or sports sessions to young people. It will build your skills in promoting health in active sessions to young people and build your confidence in leading sessions― you choose the theme.
Duration: 2–3 hours
A hands-on practical workshop where you will learn how to create fake wounds with paints, powder and fake blood. A great fun activity to do with young people. Great activity to take back and use for Halloween, events or residentials.
Duration: 2 hours
This fun, interactive workshop will explore creative ways to engage young people in consultations and evaluations.
Duration: 2–3 hours