Getting membership to Youth Scotland is quick, easy and affordable and comes with a great package of benefits to any youth group, old or new.
For as little as £55, your group could have:
- Practical knowledge & resources
- Training for workers and young people
- Insurance
- PVG & Child Protection
- Employment law
- Accreditation for Young People
- Access to programmes
Practical knowledge & resources
We maintain an online bank of resources, guides and articles that offer practical information for youth workers and volunteers called Youth Work Essentials
Training for workers and young people
The Youth Scotland Network provides a programme of locally based and online training for youth workers, delivered through a range of partner agencies, area associations and a team of experienced trainers.
Many courses are free or subsidised for member groups. Youth Scotland also runs a variety of national training events. Youth Scotland members can access most of these courses at a discounted rate.
We offer all members the opportunity to access an insurance scheme that is tailored to the needs of youth groups and a much more affordable rate. Detailed information is available in our Guide to Membership & Insurance, available at the bottom of this page.
PVG & child protection
Protecting Vulnerable Groups (PVG) and Child Protection are an essential part of modern youth work. Youth Scotland provides advice and guidance on Child Protection issues and access to the PVG Scheme.
Employment law
Through our partnership with Law At Work (LAW), Youth Scotland can support our member groups with legal services
If your organisation employs staff, whether sessional, part-time or full-time, there are employment, Health & Safety and Human Resources requirements to consider. LAW can help youth groups/organisations, especially those in the voluntary sector, keep up to date with regulations and to be sure that you have the right procedures in place.
Accrediting young people’s achievements
Youth Scotland offers three exciting awards for young people; Hi5 Awards, Dynamic Youth Awards (DYA) and Youth Achievement Awards (YAA).
The Hi5 and Dynamic Youth Awards are nationally recognised qualifications that can accredit the existing or planned activities within your youth group. They are user friendly, suitable for all abilities and fun to do.
Youth Scotland membership entitles your youth group to register to deliver our Hi5 and Dynamic Youth Awards with your members free of charge. In addition, to get you up and running, you will receive codes for 2 places at our Hi5 and Dynamic Youth Awards online training, editable PDF’s of the challenge sheets and 10 booklet numbers, all free of charge.
To access the awards and receive your free training and 10 free awards, your youth group will need to register (or renew) as an award group with Youth Scotland. This offer is only valid whilst your youth group has a current Youth Scotland membership and cannot be backdated or applied retrospectively. Please visit the Awards pages on our website for more information or follow this link Youth Scotland Member Groups – Youth Scotland
If you plan to deliver awards beyond your youth group e.g. in partnership with schools, across local authority areas or within a national project etc or if you are looking to deliver Youth Achievement Awards, please contact the awards team to discuss alternative registration options.
Access to programmes
Youth Scotland delivers a range of projects and programmes supporting and recognising young people’s development and supporting those working with young people. Check out our programmes page for more information on our current programmes.