On the day, the Young Advisors were front and centre to make sure all ran to plan. They delivered the opening plenary and energisers, directed delegates and met with Minister for Victims and Community Safety, Siobhian Brown to answer questions about the event.
In a true celebration of youth voice, they also made sure to create spaces where delegates could reflect and share their thoughts, offering the opportunity to pitch ideas for future workshops, vote on the theme for next year’s Reach event and share how confident they were feeling through jars of colour-coded post-its.
By the end of the event, the team was exhausted but so excited with how it had all come together. When asked about their final thoughts, one Advisor exclaimed, ‘It was so amazing! I want to do it all again!’
About Generation CashBack
Generation CashBack is a CashBack for Communities project delivered by a consortium of Youth Scotland, Scouts Scotland, Girlguiding Scotland and The Boys’ Brigade, funded by Scottish Government. It centres around two main strands of project delivery (‘Grow’ and ‘Lead’) and aims to ensure that young people from areas of deprivation and those experiencing disadvantage can benefit from high-quality community-based youth work opportunities.