Ministerial visit
This year we were fortunate enough to enjoy a visit from the Minister for Higher and Further Education; and Minister for Veterans, Mr Graeme Dey MSP. Mr Dey’s portfolio includes the Young Person’s Guarantee, Developing the Young Workforce, apprenticeships, youth employment, CLD and youth work, so he was particularly interested in the event and Youth Scotland’s work, spending the whole of Tuesday morning with delegates.
A sample of all we offer
One of our goals at Big Ideas is bring something from each of our Pillars to the party: groups came from across Scotland to meet others from our membership; young people and projects supported by our programmes attended; workshops included examples of our training offer; and all delegates were able to achieve a Hi5 Award from our suite of youth awards
Until next time…
With another Big Ideas over, we’d like to take the opportunity to say a huge thanks to all young people and youth workers who made the event so special! Thank you to the funders who offered great advice to groups applying: The Robertson Trust, Foundation Scotland, The National Lottery Community Fund, Creative Scotland and SCVO. Thank you to the Scottish Government and CashBack for Communities for their continued support, without which, Big Ideas wouldn’t be possible.
Even as they left, delegates told us they’d see us in 2024 – but if you want one last look back at how it happened, take a look at these moments on social media: