Induction Exercises and Review
Find inspiration for exercises that engage new volunteers and prepare for post-induction review and feedback.
Practical volunteer induction may include:
- A shadowing or buddy system so volunteers can work with a more experienced member of the team each week
- A volunteer welcome evening so they know who else is a recent volunteer and can share experiences
- See this Sample Volunteer Induction Exercise for inspiration
Further resources for developing your volunteer induction can be found here:
- Risk Assessment: The Health and Safety Executive describe five steps to risk assessment
- National Occupational Standards (NOS) in Youth Work (2008): This Lifelong Learning UK document provides a detailed list of the standards.
- Statement on the Nature and Purpose of Youth Work (2005): Youthlink Scotland’s statement sets out the context, nature and purpose of youth work and identifies three definitive features. It was developed with the whole youth work sector in Scotland.
For more support, you can also reach out to the following:
- Your local Area Association
- Your local Community Learning and Development (CLD) Services or Youth Services Team via your local council website
- Your local Volunteer Centre
- Youthlink Scotland
When you have finished induction, it is important to plan an induction review session for all new volunteers. This gives them a chance to reflect on their experiences, ask questions and identify any training needs.