New Gaelic Dynamic Youth Award launches

The new Dynamic Youth Award will be available in Gaelic for the first time

Pupils from James Gillespie's High School smile and jump up while clutching copies of the new Gaelic DYA

New opportunities are being offered to young Gaelic speakers to engage fully with a highly-regarded award system as a result of a partnership between Comunn na Gàidhlig (CnaG) and Youth Scotland.

In an exciting development, the new Dynamic Youth Award will be available in Gaelic for the first time and young people will be able to undertake each step of the process in the language.

Logos for CnaG and Òigridh Alba (Youth Scotland)
CnaG and Òigridh Alba (Youth Scotland) partner to launch the new Gaelic DYA

Comunn na Gàidhlig (CnaG) is delighted to have been working in partnership with Youth Scotland to develop their Dynamic Youth Award into an award available to complete in Gaelic. This new translation will bring the opportunity to Gaelic speaking young people to complete an award through the medium of Gaelic. It is an important step into creating more accredited youth work opportunities with Gaelic youth work.

Dynamic Youth Awards (DYA) are based on the activities that young people do in their project or programme and follow a plan-do-review structure. Young people decide their own learning journey and choose a ‘challenge’, set personal targets, complete a minimum of 10 hours of activity, think about and comment on their achievements, recording time spent on their activities and gather evidence of their participation. The DYA is accredited at SCQF Level 3.

Youth Scotland has been providing Dynamic Youth Awards since 2004, and CnaG’s Iomairt Officers received training from Youth Scotland to deliver the award to young people. CnaG has been working closely with Youth Scotland to develop the worksheets into a Gaelic format, with the award being called ‘Òigridh Adhartaich’.

The Òigridh Adhartaich award will be available to achieve from Friday 29th November 2024. As the award will be available in Gaelic, it will give other Gaelic youth groups and schools the opportunity to provide a Gaelic award to the young people in their areas.

Mike Strang, Youth Scotland Chief Executive, said:

“Our goal is for all young people in Scotland to have the opportunity to be recognised for their achievements. To further this goal, we strive to remove barriers to access opportunities, so we are proud and delighted to partner with Comunn na Gàidhlig to revise and update our Gaelic Dynamic Youth Award for young people across Scotland.

Informal learning, volunteering and personal projects play an invaluable part in young people’s growth. Our DYA helps to recognise these achievements and skills for young people, meeting them where they are in their own development. We believe that young people should be at the centre of their learning, having the award in Gaelic or English supports them to do that in their own words and language.”

Marina Murray, Development Director at CnaG, said: “We are so pleased to partner Youth Scotland in creating a new resource for young Gaelic speakers to gain a recognised and accredited national award. We hope many young people will take up the opportunity to work towards achieving the award, which will not only benefit them but also the wider Gaelic community as they work with different individuals and organisations to fulfil their targets.  It’s important to have more resources available to young people in Gaelic to enable and encourage them to use their language in more situations.”

“We hope Gaelic medium schools will take up the opportunity to use the new resource with pupils and CnaG’s Iomairt officers, along with other organisations will work with young people in their areas.”

More information about the Dynamic Youth Award is available on the Youth Scotland website You can order copies here and you can contact the Awards Team at

Duais Gàidhlig Ùr airson Òigridh!

Tha cothroman ùra gan tabhann do dh’òigridh le Gàidhlig a dhol an sàs ann an sgeama dhuaisean chliùiteach mar thoradh air compàirteachas ùr eadar Comunn na Gàidhlig (CnaG) agus a bhuidhinn Youth Scotland. ‘S iad seo na ‘Dynamic Youth Awards’ a th’air am faighinn sa Ghàidhlig airson a chiad ùair, is cothrom aig an òigridh gach ceum den t-slighe a leantainn sa chànan.

Tha an Duais Òigridh Adhartaich stèidhichte air tachartasan is dùbhlain a bhios an òigridh a’ cur romhpa fhèin mar phàirt den phròiseact no den phrògram aca, agus tha seo a’ leantainn structar “plana–dèan–measadh”. Tha an òigridh a’ stiùireadh an ionnsachaidh aca fhèin le bhith a’ taghadh ‘dùbhlan’; a’ cur amasan pearsanta romhpa fhèin; a’ cosg 10 uairean a thìde (aig a’ char as ìsle) air dùbhlain is dleastanasan; a’ clàradh na h-ùine a chuir iad seachad air seo, agus a’ cruinneachadh fianais mun obair a rinn iad. Tha an DÒA air aithneachadh aig ìre teisteanais SCQF 3.

Tha Youth Scotland air an sgeama teisteanas Dynamic Youth a thabhainn bho chionn 2004, agus fhuair Oifigearan Iomairt ChnaG trèanadh anns an teisteanas aig toiseach 2024. Bho an uair sin, tha CnaG air a bhith ag obair cruaidh le Youth Scotland son dreach Gàidhlig ùr a dhèanamh air an teisteanas, is e ‘Òigridh Adhartaich’ an ainm a th’air.

Bìdh goireasan ùra Òigridh Adhartaich rim faighinn bho Dhihaoine 29mh Samain. Leis gum bi an teisteanas a-nis ri fhaighinn sa Ghàidhlig, bidh cothrom aig diofar buidhnean òigridh agus sgoiltean an teisteanas a dhèanamh còmhla ris an òigridh sna sgìrean aca

Thuirt Mike Strang, Ceannard Òigridh Alba:

“’Se an amas a th’againne gum bidh cothrom aig gach neach òg ann an Alba aithne fhaighinn mu choinneamh an cuid soirbheachas.’S ann fa chomhair a’ bheachd-sa, agus airson a bhith a’ faighinn cuidhteas cnapan-starra ri linn seo, a tha sinn air dàimh-obrach a stèidheachadh le Comunn na Gàidhlig is sinn an dùil an Duais Òigridh Adhartaich Ghàidhlig againn a leasachadh agus ùrachadh.

Tha cothroman ionnsachaidh neo-fhoirmeil, obair saor-thoileach agus pròiseactan pearsanta air leth cudromach mar phàirt de dh’altram cloinne. ’S ann a tha an DÒA againn a’ comharrachadh nan sgilean a bhios daoine òga a’ leasachadh agus nan dùbhlan a bhios iad a’ gabhail os làimh ann an dòigh a tha a’ freagairt air an ìre aig a bheil iad. Tha sinn gu làidir den bheachd gu bheil còir aig an òigridh a bhith an teis-meadhan an ionnsachaidh aca fhèin agus le bhith a’ lìbhrigeadh na h-iomairt seo an dà chuid ann an Gàidhlig agus Beurla, tha sinn a’ toirt cothrom dhaibh sin a dhèanamh nan cànan ’s nam faclan fhèin.”

Thuirt Marina Mhoireach, Stiùiriche Leasachaidh aig CnaG:  “Tha sinn sònraichte toilichte a bhith ag obair còmhla ri Youth Scotland/Òigridh Alba gus an goireas ùr,  seo airson luchd-labhairt òg na Gàidhlig. Tha na duaisean aithnichte nàiseanta cudromach don òigridh agus obair òigridh, a bhith a leasachadh na sgilean is comasan aca mu choinneamh na duais. Tha sinn a meas seo mar obair chudromach agus an dòchas gun gabh tòrr daoine òg an cothrom a bhith a’ coileanadh na duais agus na targaidean pearsanta aca. Le barrachd goireasan is teisteanasan ri fhaotainn sa’ Ghàidhlig, bheiridh seo barrachd chothrom agus ìmpidh air an òigridh a Ghàidhlig aca a chleachdadh ann am barrachd shuidheachaidhean. “

“Tha sinn an dòchas gun tog sgoiltean Gàidhlig air an cothrom leis an goireas ùra seo, sin còmhla ri oifigearan Iomairt CnaG agus buidhnean eile.”

Gheibh sibh barrachd fiosrachadh mu dheidhinn an teisteanas tro làrach-lìn Youth Scotland.