Growing Better Youth Work Dumfries and Galloway - A Year in Summary

Growing Better Youth Work Dumfries and Galloway launched in January 2024. We hear from Youth Scotland’s development workers Jill and Amy what their year has been like. We can’t wait to see what 2025 brings!

Area Development Workers Gill and Amy

D&G Growing Better Youth Work Project | A Year in Summary 

Growing Better Youth Work was launched in January 2024, aiming to improve the opportunities and outcomes for young people in Dumfries and Galloway by working alongside and supporting D&G Youth Scotland member groups.  

Jill and Amy, Area Development Officers based in Dumfries and Galloway, began the year by meeting with existing Youth Scotland member groups to establish to what extent groups have been utilising their membership, to describe the project benefits and to offer support to groups going forwards. 

Following this, we carried out a mapping exercise for the whole region, to identify other groups and organisations who were not members, but potentially eligible to become members. We also met (and continue to collaborate) with many other partner organisations, including Third Sector Dumfries and Galloway, The Holywood Trust, Sleeping Giants CIC and Dumfries and Galloway Council youth work staff team and the Ward Officers. 

We created the D&G Members Newsletter which includes regional updates, a training calendar, a member spotlight and a focus section. The first edition was distributed in the spring and subsequent editions distributed in summer and late autumn. The newsletter has been well received amongst member groups, partners and others based in Dumfries and Galloway.  

In May, Jill attended ‘Rhythm 2 Recovery’ (R2R) training in Paisley. R2R is a therapeutic programme designed to support individuals through music and movement combining elements of music therapy, drumming and group activities to help participants connect, express themselves and build resilience. She is very excited to start delivering R2R sessions and is looking for groups in Dumfries and Galloway to participate in workshops. 

Amy attended the Holywood Trust Spring Gathering event, which was a brilliant opportunity for networking and throughout the spring both Amy and Jill carried out face to face session delivery with young people from member groups across the region. We also delivered a variety of youth work training sessions to workers and volunteers across the region including Child Protection Awareness, Ready for Youth Work, Bored Meetings and Youth Participation and Decision Making. At the end of June, we were part of the Youth Work tent at YouthBeatz music festival and had great fun applying eco-glitter art to over 150 children and young people each day. 

Throughout the summer months Amy and Jill supported the delivery of the Council’s Summer Roadshow, which visited 80 communities across the region, including many small and harder to reach communities. We had a varied summer of events and activities with young people supporting member groups with their summer programmes.  Jill attended a Refugee Celebration event and found it amazing to hear some of the inspiring stories from the young people present, whilst Amy co-facilitated some forestry school sessions in a Wigtownshire woodland. And these are only two of the many examples.  

In August, we were part of the Big Ideas youth conference in Stirling, delivering workshops to youth workers and during September and October we launched our training needs assessment survey. We were out and about with member groups, including providing support with the awards. We are delighted to have welcomed 7 new member groups, from as far west as Kirkcolm, to as far east as Lockerbie! 

November was a busy month in the D&G youth work calendar – we delivered Creative Consultation and Effective Evaluation workshops at the D&G Youth Practitioner’s Conference, “Working at the Coal Face” in Dumfries and also provided games and team building workshops with young people at the D&G Young Person’s conference, “#Roots24” and fun eco-glitter art during the lunch break. What’s more, each young person in attendance at #Roots24 worked through a Hi5 award and will be receiving their certificates in the new year. 

Throughout the year Amy and Jill have undertaken various professional development opportunities and training, including First Aid at Work, Food Hygiene and iLead Youth Participation training. It’s been great to have the support from other Youth Scotland staff. 

In 2025 we are looking forward to building upon the initial training provision in Dumfries and Galloway and delivering an extensive and comprehensive training programme across the region, in partnership with other organisations.  

We can’t wait to see what 2025 brings!